Mental Health of an acne-prone person - Everything you must know!

acne cause allergic reactions

Written by - Prakruthi

As the title suggests, we’re gonna talk about the most important topic - Mental health!

You might wonder how acne can be linked to mental health issues? Here is what studies show.

Acne has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the skin. It has social and psychological effects. These are always linked to the severity of the disease. Acne, even if minor, may be highly debilitating. 

Acne is a skin ailment that affects people of all ages, although it is most common in

Teenagers and young adults as the body approaches puberty and hormonal alterations occur.

Teens are the soft target!

Acne is commonly seen as an inevitable part of adolescence, and having acne-prone friends

And siblings made it easier to deal with. At the same time, the belief that acne is simply part of

Growing up may have deterred some people from seeking medical care earlier and left them

Feeling alone.

Acne in pre-teens is an extremely emotional experience. They feel alienated, lonely, and envious of others who have beautiful skin.acne fighter and acne pimples remover face serum

Young adults are also impacted!

According to a study, the majority of persons aged 11 to 30 have acne at some point in their

Lives. Teenagers and young adults, who are still building their self-image and forming social

Identities are particularly vulnerable to these breakouts. 

Young people have poor self-esteem and confidence as pimples, lumps, and scars form on their skin.   

Acne-prone young adults are more likely to - 

  • Stay away from going on dates
  • Avoid applying for employment
  • Stay home from social events
  • Avoid participating in sports

A few pimples on a teenager’s face can deter them from hanging out and interacting with others and withdrawing from society.

 Here are some of the psychological issues that acne prone people frequently experience:

  • Depression: women and those who suffer from severe acne, resulting in permanent scarring. Embarrassment, frustration, rage, and self-consciousness are other mental health Acne is said to induce stress in many individuals. Studies also associate acne and depression. Women are twice as likely as men to be afflicted. Breakouts can severely impact self-confidence and negatively affect how people interact with others, leading to social isolation in adults.
  • Anxiety: Those who suffer acne are more likely to suffer from moderate to severe anxiety. Stress, like sadness, affects both adolescents and adults with acne, albeit it appears to be more strongly linked to adults.
  • Poor self-esteem: This occurs in persons of all ages, although it is more common in symptoms.

Acne has significant psychological and social consequences, mainly when it affects adolescents

At a critical stage in their development. Acne affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. Not everyone can identify the root cause and treat it. In many cases acne doesn't respond to medicine until the root cause is identified. Acne reduces and tapers the self-image of a person. Once acne prone, a person may still get acne once again, and the average time frame to reduce acne is 6 -12 months. It will still leave many spots and scars.

With that said, an acne prone person is often subjected to unnecessary advice, stares from the public. Unwanted comments can really tamper with one's self confidence and image. Even relationship issues can happen. 

Always remember to treat acne with kindness!

We must find ways to help those enduring psychological discomfort due to acne. Peer approval is essential for the teenager during this time. Always remember to treat acne with kindness. Advise them to have a proper skin care routine without hampering their emotional health.Here are some tips -

  • Know your skin type and choose skin care accordingly. To effectively treat acne, you must understand what triggers it.

Let’s support each other in being healthy, in mind and  body!

Source: (“Acne can affect more than your skin”) (“The Psychosocial Impact of Acne on Teen Mental Health”)