How to get rid of dark spots on your face?

hyperpigmentation cream and serums

Written by - Dhatri

Are you suffering from dark spots or hyperpigmentation? Do your dark spots reappear once they are gone? Do you take any medication to cure dark spots on your face?

Dark spots or dark patches are the most frustrating skin disorders that most people face. The reason for dark spots arises from hyperpigmentation, which means adding unnecessary melanin to the skin, which makes the skin look darker than usual. Many factors influence the skin's ability to change its colour. Most notably, dark-skinned people are prone to massive skin texture changes like the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Dark spots are often found at the back of hands, faces, backs, shoulders etc. Let us see a few of the reasons for the increasing dark spots on the skin: 

Inflammation: Dark spots due to pimples and acne Psoriasis, eczema

Dark spots occur due to wounds caused by insect bites, injuries, cuts, burns etc.

Sunspots or liver spots: Excessive exposure to sunlight might lead to sunspots or liver spots caused by tanning. Faces, becks, and hands are mostly affected by sunspots.

Hormonal imbalance: Due to hormonal imbalance, there is a chance of melasma. Melasma is a common skin disorder characterised by the formation of freckles and changes in skin colour.

Side effects due to NSAIDs: Use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in medication leads to a rise in Melanin making skin darker.Advance pigmentation face serum

What treatments are recommended for hyperpigmentation?

Generally, dark spots due to eczema, pimples, and acne do not need to be treated as they fade away with time. Dark spots may appear due to cosmetics, in which case you should change the products and use anti-hyperpigmentation products to soothe your skin. Most of the dark spots that occur naturally will disappear after a few days. However, if these dark spots bother you a ton, you can follow the remedies and medications recommended by dermatologists. 

Sunscreens: Exposure to sunlight, UV rays and heat are one of the main reasons for dark spots and hyperpigmentation in dark-skinned people.


The serum is oil-based, which is highly stable and oil-soluble and relieves the face of lines and wrinkles and provides firmness to skin cells, which eliminates ageing, protects from sunlight and sagging and makes your skin glow brighter. 15% VCIP SERUM, 15% VITAMIN C boosts your skin cells, which is a skin routine for 30+.

Creams, lotions, and gels that consist of Azelaic acid, Kojic acid, Glycolic acid, Retinoid products like retinol, adapalene gel, tretinoin, tazarotene, and Vitamin C will cure dark spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation, and control melanin production.

The use of hydroquinone creams is popular for treating hyperpigmentation because it reduces melanin production in the body and curtails hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone is widely used in the treatment of melasma.

Chemical exfoliant for any skin type: Use of Chemical exfoliant halts the production of melanin and prevents hyperpigmentation. Acids such as alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids are used as chemical exfoliants, promoting the regeneration of new skin cells.


This serum is exclusively for hyperpigmented or dark skin. Besides treating hyperpigmentation, the ingredients in the serum also brighten the complexion, thereby reducing the appearance of dark spots and melanin. The serum is suitable for any skin type (for both oily and dry skin) and evens out the skin tone.

One more option to treat hyperpigmentation is Cosmetic therapies: Therapies like laser therapy, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion can cure dark spots on the body.

But, there is always a risk when undergoing surgery.

Dark spots generally fade away with time, so you do not need to undergo any specialised treatment for hyperpigmentation. But if these dark spots last for a long time, I would most likely suggest you consult a dermatologist for a better solution.



