Best Makeup Advice For Ageing Skin

Best Makeup for Ageing Skin

Does your 30+ skin look like 50+? Want to whitewash your wrinkled skin? 

By applying proper makeup, you can say no to wrinkles, facial lines, and sagging. Makeup is for all, from the twenties to the thirties and even into the eighties. A proper makeup set up on a face makes even an older woman youthful. 

Makeup for 30+ has different parameters than make-up for the twenties. Right from moisturising to the foundation, every step in makeup varies a lot. 

Here are the steps to be carried out for makeup on older women:

Prep the skin to attain a flawless skin texture by following these thumbs-up rules: 

Before prepping the skin for makeup, wash the face with cold water or lukewarm water gently. Applying makeup products to dirty and oily skin will result in an uneven and ineffective face complexion. 

anti ageing face cream and serum
  • Moisturiser prep:

The hydrating nature of ageing skin is relatively lower than in adult skin. The loss of collagen in skin cells causes skin dryness for 30+ skin. In this case, perfect dry skin makeup is the fundamental step for makeup on older women. The dried skin needs to be moisturised using a proper moisturiser, hydrating creams and HA serums to strengthen the overall makeup. 

  • Hydrating toners and essences for preserving the oily nature of ageing skin: 

Ageing skin loses its oily and hydrating nature quickly, so using moisturisers that dry up the skin will worsen the makeup for 30+ skin. Hydrating toners and essence keep the oily nature of the skin alive for hours and even help in alleviating the dryness and flaking nature of the skin. 

  • Ceramide and peptide moisturiser for reinforcing the skin barrier:

Hiding wrinkles and fine lines are the main task in makeup for 30+, and it can be achieved from the beginning by using a perfect hydrator. Ceramide and peptide hydration aid in reinforcing and improving skin texture, as well as locking in moisture.These ceramide and peptide moisturisers even improve facial wrinkles and environmental damage. 

  • Use of Creamy and Dewy Primers for the best results in makeup on older women: 

The most concerning thing about makeup on older women is that it keeps the skin wet for a long time. With age, the skin cells can't hold the moisture, so we need to provide external moisturising elements to the skin to maintain a fresh look on the face.

 Primers provide a smooth and luminous texture to the skin by keeping the makeup in its place. Primers do not just give an even base to the skin, but they also lock and condition the later makeup formulas in the right place. 

The usage of dewy and creamy primers that consist of hyaluronic acid, hydration, vitamin C, and antioxidants helps in keeping the moisture in skin cells

  • Oils and primer oils:

The usage of face oils and primer oils in addition to dewy primers before mattifying the face with further makeup products and matte products is very very essential. The face oils maintain the oily nature of the skin and prevent it from drying out, thereby providing a glossy look at the end. 

  • Hydrating foundation:

Hydrating Foundation gives a smooth and wrinkle-free look in makeup for older women. 

  • Use the setting spray in place of powders:

Powders are heavenly vital for a flawless makeup set, but for ageing skin, powders show up the wrinkles and fine lines with their heavy patches on the skin. Using a hydrating setting spray instead of setting powder helps to provide long-lasting hydration with a fantastic and flawless look in older women's makeup.


The combo of Centella Green Tea Face Wash (120ml), Rosehip Moisturiser (50ml), and Anti-Oxidant Serum (30ml) comforts the ageing skin to look wrinkle-free and hydrated. 

The combo especially helps in :

✔Fading the dark spots on the skin. 

✔ Reducing Hyperpigmentation. 

✔ Hiding wrinkles on ageing skin. 

✔ Reinforcing the Skin-Barrier by locking in the moisture for a long time. 

✔ Resisting the Premature Aging Signs.

hydrating & soothing cleanser.

✔ Enrich the skin with antioxidants that repair damaged cells and boost skin cells. 


